Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deep Cove

Two weekends ago, my wife and I took my brother to Deep Cove, an North Eastern area near where we live. A lot of rich folk live there, using it as a retirement area. The place smells like ka-ching. We loved the fact that the homes are built around the cove, and the downtown area was just a strip of small mom and pop stores. It's quite lovely for a day trip, and I hear the hiking trails are awesome. There will be time for that on our next trip to that place.

Friday, May 15, 2009

6-49 is now $40Million

An officemate started a pool for the 6-49 draw now valued at C$40Million. Historically, the highest number this lotto ever acheived was $48Million, and that was won by a pool of workers in god-knows-where Canada. Right now, our office pool consists of 14 people, that is rougly $2.8Mil gross winnings equally split among 14 people... if we are lucky enough to win. And if ever that happens, I can only imagine the long investigation our pool would have to undergo. Still, that's $2.8Mil I would gladly wait for. I would definitely go to the office the next day with a Cuban. Ha!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Empty Car Park

The Car Port is empty, except for a few cars. Its 5:30pm when I took this picture, and the sun was still up like it was frikkin noon. I wanted to capture the bright blue sky and the yellow tree, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it. There maybe some art of taking pics with your blackberry, because this pic has some promise. I think. Anyway, went straight home and the sun went down only at 9pm. Jeez.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Going Home, this is another View

I take the highway going home, and one part is this area in Richmond. Its a large trac of land that is undeveloped because it is owned by the First Nation tribes. It has a great view of the north shore mountains.
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Conference Swag

Just came from the BCAMA Conference. It was a very good one, with speakers from ex-VP of Harley Davidson, and the VP Marketing for West Jet, among others. The swag was okay, but the content was superb. Lots of interesting ideas, but some of them I've already heard three years ago. All in all, there were good ideas to take back to the company which we should explore: (1) If the consumer is truly important, is the company ready to have a dialogue with her? Read: Social Networking (2) A truly engaged company is one where everyone has a stake in ownership.; and (3) Innovation is the corenerstone in a turnaround economy.
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