Sunday, February 27, 2011

December in February

Why is the West Coast always late? Because Mother Nature says so. Pics taken this morning, 2-27-11 at my balcony.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Molten Lava From M

She made it from scratch. The first picture shows the cake as it is just about to be baked. She used Dark chocolate for the recipe. The second photo is when I dug in, fresh out of the oven, and the chocolate was piping hot. The chocolate gushed out just like molten lava, with steam rising. It was very decadent. Cheers to my wife!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snow is Fun!

A little after 8am, the light was better and the kids started to leave their homes to make snowmen. D went outside when his home boys called and they started to get into the fun. Winter is here, and I have to adapt. This means more coffee or hot cocoa. Better yet, hit the chocolate bar.
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Here Comes the Snow

I wake up at 7 am to find white on the ground. Here's a picture of what 7am looks like here. The environment has little light, and I took the shot without a flash.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sitting and Waiting.

These guys do the Asian squat. and wait. and wait. (Taken in July, 2010).